


Polish Border Guard receives mission aircraft

The Polish Border Guard took delivery of two MEDUSA® equipped maritime patrol aircraft.

In October 2020 the Polish Border Guard took delivery of the two new OPTIMARE MEDUSA® equipped maritime patrol aircraft of L410 UVP E-20 type.

End of December 2018 OPTIMARE Systems GmbH was awarded a contract by JB Investments Sp. Z o.o. to provide modern patrol and reconnaissance equipment for integration into two new L410 UVP E-20 aircraft for the Polish Border Guard. The integration of the mission equipment was be performed by Czech based Aircraft Industries, a.s.

Each aircraft is equipped with

  • OPTIMARE´s MEDUSA® Mission Management System,
  • 360° surveillance radar,
  • EO/IR sensor,
  • broadband SATCOM,
  • AIS transponder,
  • Search & Rescue direction finder.

Integrated system solutions and sensors for maritime missions