IR/UV Line Scanner
The IR/UV Line Scanner is a standard sensor for airborne oil spill monitoring. It is capable of visualizing relative oil spill thickness in qualitative terms:
- no oil
- thin oil (thickness ≈ > 0.01 micron)
- thick oil (thickness ≈ 1 micron ... 50 micron)
- very thick oil (thickness ≈ > 50 micron)
The OPTIMARE IR/UV Line Scanner is characterized by a unique optical design, an excellent maintainability and a broad operating temperature range. The lightweight and ruggedized system is frequently used in conjunction with the Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR).
If you have questions please get in touch with us.
Handout OPTIMARE IR/UV Line Scanner

- Detection of highly reflective features on the sea surface such as oil spills and biogenic surface films
- Highly resolved mapping of very thin and thick oil layers on the water surface
- Basic sensor for automatic creation of thematic maps of the oil spill scene (automated scene analysis)
- Imaging remote sensor for thermal mapping applications